The Big StoryIn the early 1990's, Wolf Creek was a beautiful golf course. It was family land. We grew up here, where we learned to hunt and fish. We learned to work hard, to be industrious, and to appreciate the simple things that the land gives back, from "Pawpaw" Howard Johnson. The landscape that you see here today has his fingerprints all over it. Over 100 acres of lakes were built by his hands. The course was built by our uncle, George. It survived the great flood of 1994, and thrived as a golf course until the downturn in the economy. The course was then sold to others, and was eventually closed and abandoned.
In mid 2013, we were presented with the opportunity to buy it back. So we two cousins, Matt and Jerry English, land surveyors by trade, bought the abandoned golf course. |
What do two land surveyors do with an abandoned golf course you may ask? We make wine! We planted the first Muscadine vines from Ison's Nursery in the winter of 2013. We now have nearly 1,400 vines covering 12 acres. |